Friday, November 15, 2013

15/11/13 - Overheard

Well, I was outside having my normal break at work when I overheard 2 people talking.  It had an "ouch" moment attached to it.  So here is their conversation:

Lady 1:  So I hear Australia is heading down the path like US where the government might shut down.  Oh my god, we might have to stop work and not get paid for awhile
Lady 2:  Are you sure??  Can't we take paid leave?
Lady 1:  No, the government could be shutting down to save money.
Lady 2:  Oh gosh, I might have to turn to prostitution to earn some money in the meantime
Lady 1:  Ummm, don't think you'll earn much.

Talk about being straight forward.  I get told I'm straight forward but even I wouldn't say that.

But to be truthful, from my point of view, Lady 1's assessment is spot on.

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