Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dream job

Over a month ago, I had my 1st neighbour catch up in our complex which I think I got the ball rolling but NEVER ended up organising for it to follow through.

Anyway, that is not the point.  The point is.....
During that gathering, we talked about whether we're happy with our jobs.
And being a true public servant, I said NO, but it pays the bills.

I was then asked "if you quit your job now to follow your dream, what would it be"??

Hmm...when I was growing up, I wanted to become a teacher.  I guess part of the reason is that I'm shy and being a teacher means you have to stand up in front of people and speak.  Well, turns out I don't like ANYTHING to do with studying, so there goes that career aspiration.

But it didn't take me long to think of my ultimate dream job.  (Helps when you take alcohol, you can speak your mind wayyyyyy quicker)

I have always liked interior design and real estate.
My dream would be able to build a house/apartment and then do the interior design, the complete package.  OK, maybe not build it myself literally....but developing the plans for the layout of the house is what I meant.  I never got a chance to follow through with that dream when I was little.

I wanted to take in primary school Graphics Design, which would've lead me down the path of interior design.  But noooooo, going to an all girls school, I was the only one interested in this subject hence it was cancelled and not offered at all.  Was told when I selected that subject "why would you want to do that?  That is such a boy's subject!?!?!"  I mean, WTF!!!!!  So that was my first hold back towards my dream.

Once I finished high school, I wanted to get a degree in Real Estate (still trying to realise my childhood dream) but it was a course offered in Gatton.  To be honest, I wanted this degree not because of the course content of land survey etc, but I wanted it for the network connections.  My parents said NO, you aren't leaving home for that.  So that was once again another set back.

Ever since those 2 incidents, I have never really got a chance to even go anywhere close to my dream.  I still remember as a kid, I use to draw a lot of houses, of what they would look like from the outside.  I think I knew since then, it would be my calling......but it was never meant to be.

For this dream to EVER come true, I would probably need to win the Lottery big time.  You definitely need loads of $$$ for this dream of mine to ever get a kick start.

So I'm thinking this is one thing I'll never get to complete....unless my lucky stars shine brightly on me and give me a BIG ASS LOTTERY WIN. (hint hint lucky stars)

Back to the starting point of this post, I would like to thank Dan & Kellie (Esp Dan for asking the question) cos I put this dream of mine at the back of my mind, buried so deep that I kinda forgot about it.  We all need to bring out our ultimate dreams once in awhile just to make us feel we have something to live for....even if it's a dream that you know there is no way on this planet earth it can be achieved. (I'm hinting at you again lucky stars....only you can help me!!)

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