Monday, March 03, 2014

Friends...what/who are they?

I read or saw something recently (gosh, I can't even remember where I saw it...but it made me think.

Who are your friends?
What does "friends" mean??

The line that hit me the most is:
"You know people....lots of them, but how many of those knows you truly??  Those who knows you inside out are who you call 'Friends', those who knows little bits about you are just people who are in your life"

It really, really made me think.  I have a group of friends, but I think I need to downgrade them to "people I know" cos quite recently I realised they know nothing about me.

Maybe seriously just 1 person in this world knows me more than others....that is why I consider her my best friend.  Some others are getting close to the friends status....but more work is required.

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