Monday, February 17, 2014

17/02/14 Bday

How did I cecebrate for getting another year older today???  

Started off the day by waking up early....even though I had the day off.  Stupid body clock, won't even let me sleep in.

Then my sister came from Melbourne, borrowed my car for the week...but did wish me a Happy Bday along with her friends.

Relaxed and chilled out at home for a while with my cat.  My poor little have been missing me so much since I've been doing overtime.  I think he's afraid that I'm gonna leave him behind.  Today was a good day to spend some time with his cos he gave me plenty of kisses  :)

Went out and had my favorite ramen.  Maybe the only time I like showing my driviers license around....cos I get a free ramen for my bday.  Even better!!!

Dinner had with my sister, lobster.  The lobster was ok...but won't have it again.  Too much work for so little food.  -_-

Anyhoo....bday wishes for this year.  Hmmmm.....well, it'd be AWESOME if I get a bday tweet, esp from Shay Mitchell.  But I'm just a number within her millions of followers...sigh, so I'm not getting my hopes too far up for that.

No special bday wish....well, maybe there is....but I'm not gonna make it public for sure.

That's another year.  Older, but not sure if I'm any wiser.

My fav ramen....and it's free cos it's my BDAY~~~
Have to have a cake for Bday, and fav Mango Mousse Cake

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