Thursday, March 27, 2014

Million pieces

Oh gosh.  Staying for a week in the city at my sister's place, babysitting her son.  The babysitting isn't the hard part. The hard part is everytime I look out the window and see the Hilton Hotel.
I still remember the memories as like it was yesterday.  Memory of the 'love' that got away.  To this day, I still think of you.  To be honest, I can't forget you. With you, I was truly myself, I didn't care....nor did I pretend and put up concrete walls.
Seeing the Hilton Hotel makes me sad, as I remember giving you the goodbye hug, watching you leave and feeling my heart break into a million pieces.  To this day, I still have not recovered from that heartbreak.  Nor have anyone stolen any pieces of my heart like you did.

Friday, March 07, 2014

Next Holiday

So, I just checked my leave balance recently.  By June, I would have 45 days of annual leave up my sleeve. 

Think I need to start planning on taking some leave soon, before they hound me about my excess leave balance....blah blah blah, yada yada yada.  Only problem is that I have nothing really planned for this year.  Have the leave, have the money & time.....but nowhere planned to go.  Even if I do want to go to places, I have no one to go with.  Its hard trying to organise trips with friends.   Cos you might have the time & leave, but that doesn't mean that they have it too.

My work twin suggested me the other day (when I mentioned I have never been to Philippines before) that I should visit it and go to Boracays.  That got me excited and interested for sure.  If I go,I wouldn't mind going and making a quick stopover in Manilia as well.  Heard the seafod there is really, really good.

Monday, March 03, 2014

Friends...what/who are they?

I read or saw something recently (gosh, I can't even remember where I saw it...but it made me think.

Who are your friends?
What does "friends" mean??

The line that hit me the most is:
"You know people....lots of them, but how many of those knows you truly??  Those who knows you inside out are who you call 'Friends', those who knows little bits about you are just people who are in your life"

It really, really made me think.  I have a group of friends, but I think I need to downgrade them to "people I know" cos quite recently I realised they know nothing about me.

Maybe seriously just 1 person in this world knows me more than others....that is why I consider her my best friend.  Some others are getting close to the friends status....but more work is required.